武汉重磅外国人来华两证合一Integration of Work Permit+Social Security Card
2024-12-25 11:18 1次- 发布企业
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Notice from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security onIntegrating Work Permits for Foreigners with Social SecurityCards
Document Number:
HRSS Department [2024] No. 75
To: Human Resources and Social Security Departments (Bureaus) ofall provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly underthe Central Government, and the Xinjiang Production andConstruction Corps, as well as departments responsible for themanagement of foreign experts:
为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于提升外籍人员来华工作便利度的决策部署,经研究,决定自2024年12月1日起,将外国人工作许可证与社会保障卡(以下简称社保卡)融合集成(以下简称证卡融合集成),通过将外国人来华工作许可 (以下简称工作许可)信息加载到社保卡,依托实体社保卡和电子社保卡,为外国人在华工作和生活提供便利。现就做好有关工作通知如下:
In order to implement the decisions of the Party Central Committeeand the State Council to enhance the convenience of foreignnationals working in China, it has been decided, followingresearch, to integrate work permits for foreigners with socialsecurity cards (hereinafter referred to as "integration of cards")starting from December 1, 2024. This integration will embed workpermit information into the social security card, leveraging bothphysical and electronic social security cards to facilitate workand life for foreigners in China. The following measures areoutlined to ensure smooth implementation:
Optimized Procedures
Application for Work Permits
工作许可的申请、延期、变更和注销在外国人来华工作管理服务系统(以下简称来华工作系统)全程网上办理,外国人入境后无需再办理实体外国人工作许可证。已领取实体外国人工作许可证的,按照“不变不换”原则,待现有工作许可申请延期或变更时按照证卡融合集成新程序办理。Applications for obtaining, renewing, modifying, or canceling workpermits are to be processed entirely online via the Foreigner WorkManagement Service System (hereinafter referred to as the WorkSystem). Foreign nationals are not required to obtain a physicalwork permit after entering China. For those who have already beenissued a physical work permit, the "no change, no replacement"principle applies. When applying for a renewal or modification, thenew procedures for card integration will be followed.
Application for Work Visas
Foreigners may apply for a Z visa to w
ork in China using the“Notification of Foreigner's WorkPermit.”
Obtaining an Electronic Social Security Card
After entering China, foreigners can downloadthe electronicsocial security card app 电子社保卡on their mobile devices andregister/log in using their name, work permit number, or socialsecurity number. Upon verification of identity, they will receivean electronic social security card loaded with their work permitinformation. Afterobtaining a physical social security card, foreigners can accessstandard services via the electronic card.
Residence Permit Application
Foreigners entering China with a Z visa may apply for relevantresidence permits at the local public security entry and exitoffices. They can present the "Notification of Foreigner's WorkPermit" or an electronic social security card with embedded workpermit information. The relevant departments can verify work permitinformation directly via information systems or by scanning the QRcode on the electronic social security card.
Facilitation Services
Enrollment in Social Insurance
Employers of foreign nationals or the foreignersthemselves may use the "Notification of Foreigner's WorkPermit" or an electronic social security card to register forsocial insurance via online portals or at social insurance serviceoffices. Verification of work permit information will beconducted via the Work System. Eligible foreigners will be issued asocial security number, and the card management service departmentswill issue a physical social security card.
Work Permit-Related Services
Work permit information queries, downloads, QR code verifications,and related notifications can be accessed through the electronicsocial security card.
3.享受“ 一卡通”服务
"One Card" Services
各地人力资源社会保障部门结合实际,通过实体社保卡和电子社保卡向外国人提供业务信息查询、待遇补贴领取等人力资源社会保障服务,有条件地区拓展至更多“一卡通” 服务。
Human resources and social security departments at all levels willprovide foreign nationals with access to information queries,benefit withdrawals, and other human resource services via physicaland electronic social security cards. Regions with the necessaryconditions may expand these "one card"services to additionalareas.
Implementation Measures
Effective Implementation
Local authorities must take effective measures to ensure theintegration of cards is implemented smoothly. Efforts shouldcontinue to expand the application scenarios of social securitycards to provide foreigners with greater access to "one card"services, facilitating their work and life in China.
Technical Preparations
All regions must prepare for the technical requirements of cardintegration. Once the Ministry issues the relevant interfacespecifications, local authorities should promptly initiatemodifications to their business systems and equipment to ensureseamless integration with the Work System and verification of workpermit information.
Training and Awareness
Local authorities must organize training sessions to familiarizestaff with business processes and regulations. Policies should beeffectively communicated, public concerns addressed, and awarenessgradually raised to ensure that the benefits of card integrationare realized and widely recognized.
法定代表人 | 杨刚 | ||
注册资本 | 200 | ||
主营产品 | 企业我们联合外服的业务多元且各有专长: • 外籍猎头:凭借广阔国际人脉与敏锐行业洞察,深挖全球人才库,精准契合国内企业不同岗位需求,全力搭建高端国际化人才梯队,赋能企业全球竞争力。 • 来华签证:熟稔各类来华签证政策法规与办理流程,不管是商务出差、长期工作居留,还是探亲访友类签证,都能精细筹备材料、高效跟进申请,大幅提升通过率。 • 各国涉外认证:深谙多国认证复杂体系,针对民事、商事各类文件,提供一站式认证服务,保障文件畅行国际无阻。 • 翻译:旗下汇聚多语种精英译员,以丰富经验与深厚语言功底,为商务洽谈、法律事务、技术交流等场景提供精准、流畅翻译,打破语言壁垒。 • 来华留学:时刻关注国家最新留学政策风向,精准解读各高校招生细则;紧跟“一带一路”倡议步伐,热忱服务沿线国家学子,从院校申请、签证协办,到入学引导、生活辅助,一站式助力留学梦想落地。管理咨询服务;人力资源;财税政策;各种资质及使领馆资料认证;翻译; | ||
经营范围 | 企业管理咨询服务,人力资源管理服务(不含劳务派遣),代理记账,以承包方式从事餐饮服务管理,物业管理;以服务外包形式从事企业内部管理及生产流程管理;劳动防护用品、办公用品、机械设备(不含专项)销售及客户现场维修。***(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)*** | ||
公司简介 | 联合外服:在涉外服务领域,我们已砥砺前行十余年,是官方授权的合法涉外服务机构,始终秉持专业、诚信与负责的态度稳健经营。回首疫情三年,诸多企业艰难求存,而我们坚守承诺,持续为十几位员工按时缴纳社保,尽显企业担当与雄厚实力。凭借卓越的专业素养和优质服务,我们赢得了诸多知名企业长期信赖,与宝马、中车、富创精密以及特斯拉等行业翘楚紧密携手,并肩同行。业务版图全面覆盖全国,在来华签证办理上更是成果卓著,每年 ... |
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